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Bad Granny Botanicals

Hoya Kerrii in LECA

Hoya Kerrii in LECA

Regular price $18.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $18.00 USD
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With its adorable heart-shaped leaves and easy-care nature, Hoya Kerrii in LECA is a symbol of love and a perfect addition to any plant collection.

Watering: Keep a small amount of water at the base of the LECA, refreshing every 2-3 weeks with a hydroponic nutrient solution. Allow LECA to dry slightly between refills.
Light: Prefers bright, indirect light—the more light, the happier it will be! Avoid prolonged low-light conditions.
Humidity & Temperature: Does well in average household humidity and temperatures between 65-85°F.
Feeding: Use a diluted hydroponic fertilizer every few weeks for steady, healthy growth.

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